Presto Use Cases
Presto Use Cases
Presto Use Cases
Mini Mystery Shops
Mini Mystery Shops
A smaller mystery shop which is faster, cheaper, and easier than a typical mystery shop. Presto is perfect for focusing on one issue that your client needs to pay extra attention to. By creating these focused shops, you end up digging deeper into their problems and often times have an easier time finding an actionable solution.
Follow Up Shops
Follow Up Shops
If you are currently running a full fledged mystery shopping campaign and it identifies some problems, you normally have to wait a month to execute followup shops to see if those problems have gotten resolved. Instead you can launch some cheaper Presto shops that focus solely on the status of that issue.
On Their Toes
On Their Toes
Presto address the problem of businesses knowing the day or week that they typically get mystery shopped and after that time period, they tend to slack off because they know that they will most likely not get shopped again this month. This is normally true because it tends to be too expensive, but Presto makes it easy to have that location shopped several times to keep them on their toes for the whole month.
Presto Vrs SASSIE Mystery Shopping
Presto Insta-Shops Criteria:
Presto Vrs SASSIE Mystery Shopping
Presto Insta-Shops Criteria:
Presto Vrs Rover Shop
Rover Shop Criteria:
Presto Vrs Rover Shop
Rover Shop Criteria:
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